Chini"** is a Bengali TV serial that airs on **Star Jalsha**, with its release date on January 12, 2024. The story revolves around a young woman named **Chini**, portrayed initially by Indrani Bhattacharya and later replaced by **Bijaylakshmi Chatterjee**. The plot centers on Chini, the daughter of a driver who enters the prestigious Raychowdhury family, facing challenges along the way. The show also features a mystery-filled storyline, including hallucinations of fire and tragedy experienced by Chin
Star Jalsha is a popular Bengali-language entertainment channel that airs a variety of TV serials and shows, catering to a wide audience. Some of the well-known TV serials on Star Jalsha include. Visit our website.
চিনি আজকের পর্ব। star jolsha tv serial